LAND S.r.l. Indagini Territoriali e Archeologiche has been operating in the fields of infrastructure development, city planning, and the various sectors that compose the world of “Cultural Heritage” for over twenty years.
The sum of the diverse professional figures that compose the company has been central to a high quality operational ability that has received recognition both nationally and internationally. A quality expressed through numerous specialist and general public publications, articles, conferences, and by the S.O.A. qualification for work in the field of heritage, as well as the European Certificate for Conformity UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
Preventive Archaeology
Archaeological Fieldwork and Post-Excavation
Graphics and Photography
Surveying Services
Building Recording
3D Graphics
Audiovisual Production
Virtual Reality
Restoration and Conservation
Exhibition Projects
Accurate Recording, Qualified Technical Support, Research and Innovation.
An entire sector of our organisation is dedicated to the production of technical-scientific reports, embracing fields such as topographical survey, photography, cartography, graphics – from manual to digital drawings, with the aid of orthophotography, drone technology and 3D modelling, etc. – with the conviction that accuracy and precision are the basis of clear communication between the requirements of public works and heritage management.
Another area of our organisation involves the field of Preventive Archaeology, with a team comprising archaeologists, geomorphologists, paleobotanists, architects, archivists, aerial photograph interpreters, and landscape historians.
We conduct projects, comprising Archaeological Evaluation and Preliminary Risk Appraisals, to help our clients make suitable provision for heritage risk in their budget and programme from the early stages of the development process.
Another sector is dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the environment, of historic buildings and of monuments: a natural consequence of the ability of our experienced staff, who are able to provide high profile operational and planning solutions to any situation.